Tuesday, November 30, 2010


Pagi itu pada pukul 7.15...

Aku : Bayya!!..teyyo suam- suam saytu..roti kosong banjir satu..

Mr.Ali mamak : Siappp...

Aku : Aiiikk..baru oder dh siap ka?ada btui ka ni bayya..btui ka ni...

Mr.Ali mamak : Apasat takda btui punyaa..itu teh o suam semalam punya takda abis..roti pun sama,   semalam  punyaaa takda abis...musti siappp punyaaaa...

Aku : Abanggg..abangg...ini macam kaluuu..itu duit teh o sama roti  aaa...sudah ada dalam buku 555 sajaaa...sudah siap maaa...semalam you sudah tulis...

Hampeh betul la..orang mau makan fresh-fresh punya, lagi mau kasi yang nak expired...



What happen to nothing when we always do not knows nothing..

Nothing will become nothing when we have nothing to do...

But nothing can be a guide to success when we remember that we have nothing for our loved ones...


Sunday, November 28, 2010

Bagaimana kami boleh membantu anda melalui PruBSN ProtectPlus dan PruBSN Crisis Cover

If you want... We give you... PruBSN Protect PruBSN Protect PLus
A plan that will last long enough to ensure your loved ones are adequately protected Coverage againts lose of life until you are 80 years old.

A plan that will last long enough Coverage againts total and permanent disability until you are 70 years old.

Protection for your little one's Protection for your child from as early as 30 days old.

To continue protecting your child in his/her adulthood Abilty to convert your child's coverage to an adult plan upon his/her 19 birthday.

An affordable protection plan Value-for-money plan according to your budget.

A hassle-free sign-up process Automatic acceptance for a certain level of coverage.

Option to enhance yor protection level Additional benefits to protect you againts accidental mishaps and additional benefits to protect your income.

An inflation-proof financial plan Automatic increase in the amaount of your coverage in every three years.

A plan that does not require you to pay more over the years The same amount of contribution throughout the duration of your coverage.


The following chart illustrates the increasing sum covered scenario with PruBSN Protect Plus.

To cover you againts accidental mishaps

Accidental Death and Disablement (ADD) Provide your family with cash if you lose your life and cash for you if you become disabled due to accident.

Accidental Medical Reimbursement (AMR) Get cash reimbursement for youjr medical expenses if you are being treated for an accident.

Weekly Indemnity (WI) Get weekly income during your temporary disabilty because of accident.

Please note that AMR and WI need to be taken up in conjunction with ADD.

To cover you againts lose of income

Family Income Benefit Provides your loved ones amonthly income if you lose your life, get diagnosed with a critical illness or become totally and permanently disabled.

Contributor Assist to pay for your future contribution if you diagnosed with a critical illness.

Spouse Contributor Pays for your future regular contribution if your spouse:
- passes away, or
- get diagnosed with a critical illness, or
- becomes totally and permanently disabled.

Parent Contributor 
(only applicable if the covered person is below 19 years old at entry)
Pays for future regular contribution if a parent:
- passes away, or
- get diagnosed with a critical illness, or
- becomes totally and permanently disabled.

Kidney failure- the causes and cost

Kidney failure- the causes

Our Kidney can failure to functional normally when it's comes from an acute situation or from chronic problems.

In acute renal failure, kidney function is lost rapidly and can occur from a variety of insults to the body.

The list of causes is often categorized based on where the injury has occurred.

1.   Prerenal causes   - comes from the decreased blood supply to the kidney. 
                                      Examples of prerenal causes of kidney failure are:
        • low blood volume - due to blood loss (hypovolemia);
        •  loss of body fluid or dehydration process likes sweating, fever etc.
        • less of fluids;drinking water in small quantities.
        • medication methods likes diuretics ("water pills") may cause excessive water loss; and
        • abnormal blood flow to and from the kidney due to obstruction of the renal artery or vein.

2. Renal causes  - damage directly to the kidney itself include:

3.Post renal causes  -   factors that affect outflow of the urine:
      • Obstruction of the bladder or the ureters can cause back pressure because the kidneys continue to produce urine, but the obstruction acts like a dam, and urine backs up into the kidneys. When the pressure increases high enough, the kidneys are damaged and shut down.
      • Prostatic hypertrophy or prostate cancer may block the urethra and prevents the bladder from emptying.
      • Tumors in the abdomen that surround and obstruct the ureters.
      • Kidney stones. Usually,  affect only one kidney and do not cause kidney failure. However, if there is only one kidney present, a kidney stone may cause the lone kidney to fail.

4. Chronic renal failure develops over months and years which are related to:
          Less common causes of chronic renal failure include:

How much Dialysis cost in Malaysia

The CER (cost effectiveness ratios ) by MOH (Ministry of Health, Malaysia)of : -
  • centre haemodialysis was RM 21,620/life year saved, 
  • home haemodialysis was RM 23375/life year saved
  • CAPD ( continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis) was RM 30469 /life year saved
  • IPD (intermittent peritoneal dialysis ) was RM 36016 / life year saved. 


Adakah kita tahu....

Menurut Jabatan Perangkaan Malaysia, kadar Inflasi telah naik 2% pada bulan Oktober 2010.Indeks Harga Pengguna telah naik 2% dari 112.4 (oktober 2009) kepada 114.7 ...

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Apa yang Pelan PruBSN UMMAH boleh tawarkan kepada anda?

Prudential BSN (PruBSN) UMMAH adalah pelan Takaful keluarga yang disediakan utk membantu memenuhi keperluan rohaniah umat Islam selain keperluan duniawi.

Pelan ini memberikan perlindungan dan simpanan serta manfaat-manfaat yang akan membantu dalam pencarian rohaniah anda.

Pelan PruBSN UMMAH (download brochure)

1...Tingkatkan simpanan kita - pengumpulan wang simpanan bagi menunaikan Haji , Umrah atau tujuan-tujuan lain.Walaupun anda disahkan menghidap penyakit kritikal (manfaat-manfaat pilihan), kami akan memastikan simpanan anda terus meningkat...simpan dlm bank tiada keistimewaan ini.. 

2...Manfaat Penyakit Kritikal - melindungi anda apabila dikenalpasti menghidap penyakit yang boleh mengancam nyawa

3...Manfaat - manfaat Haji / Umrah - Manfaat Takaful Berganda akan dibayar sekiranya kita meninggal dunia atau disahkan hilang upaya kekal dan menyeluruh semasa menunaikan ibadah Haji / Umrah.Disamping itu,utk memastikan kewajipan menunaikan Haji kita sekiranya meniggal dunia atau lumpuh kekal dan menyeluruh melalui Badal Haji sebanyak RM3,000....Pengeluaran simpanan juga boleh dibuat bagi  perjalanan kita menunaikan ibadah Haji / Umrah.

4...Bonus Loyalti - Kita akan diberi bonus loyalti sebagai Elaun Haji apabila kita menunaikan Haji sekiranya membayar sumbangan secara konsisten.Ia  juga menyediakan bonus loyalti apabila kita terus membayar sumbangan sehinggga peghujung tempoh takaful atau kita meningggal dunia atau lumpuh kekal.

5...Jaminan kewangan sekiranya meninggal dunia / lumpuh menyeluruh dan kekal - wang tunai tambahan RM2000 untuk manfaat Khairat Kematian disamping manfaat asas yang ditentukan oleh kita.

6...Penulisan wasiat secara Islam oleh Amanah Raya Berhad - Kita akan diaturkan penulisan wasiat melalui perkhidmatan Amanah Raya Berhad.Perkhidmatan ini adalah satu pilihan (jika kita mahu).
     English Version

    Spiritual fulfillment, Protection and Savings...all in one!
    Many people plan for the big things in life. We plan for a good life and we plan for the well being of our loved ones. In our pursuit for all these good things in life, as Muslims, we ought to also prepare for spiritual fulfillment.

    PruBSN Ummah is a family Takaful plan designed to cater to Muslims’ spiritual as well as worldly needs. This plan provides you with protection and savings, as well as benefits that will assist you with your spiritual quest.

    Loyalty Bonus¹

    This is benefit for being our loyal customer. You will earn this benefit when you complete your takaful period. Additionally, this bonus will also be paid in the event of death or total and permanent disability on top of your other takaful benefits

    In order to ensure you have peace of mind during Hajj, you will also be given a Hajj allowance, which is a part of the loyalty bonus. The allowance is intended to supplement your expenses. You can also use it to ensure the financial needs of your family at home are taken care of whilst your perform your obligations in Mecca.
    Withdrawals of savings for Hajj and Umrah

    You can withdraw part of your savings from your account to supplement the need for your journey for Hajj or Umrah, subject to the following conditions:

        * Only 1 withdrawal is allowed for Umrah and Hajj each throughout the certificate term.
        * Withdrawals can only be made after the 5th certificate year
        * Each withdrawal must be at least RM500 and at most 70% of your account balance prior to withdrawing.
        * There must be a minimum balance of RM2,000 left in your account after withdrawal.

    Loyalty bonus is a special benefit designed for being our loyal customer. Your loyalty bonus is based on a percentage of your contribution that increases the longer you are in the plan. You will receive your loyalty bonus when you:

        * Perform Hajj (as a Hajj Allowance), or
        * Survive until the end of the plan, or
        * Become totally and permanently disabled, or
        * Pass away

    The loyalty bonus that you receive as Hajj Allowance can either be used as your pocket money upon your confirmation to go for Hajj, or it can also be used to secure the financial needs of your loved ones at home while you perform Hajj.

    In addition, your loyalty bonus will continue to grow even after you have used it as a Hajj Allowance for as long as you continue to pay the contribution. The loyalty bonus will be payable subject to the events mentioned above.

    Death and Total and Permanent Disability Benefits (TPD)

    Upon your death or total and permanent disability, you or your nominee will receive cash equivalent to your coverage i.e. takaful benefit amount.

    In addition, your family will receive an additional RM2,000 as a form of compassionate benefit upon your unfortunate passing that could be used for funeral or other related expenses.
    Double Your Takaful Benefits² While on Hajj or Umrah

    You will receive double coverage i.e. takaful benefit amount, in the unfortunate case of your death or total and permanent disability (TPD) while performing your Hajj or Umrah.
    Badal Hajj

    In the event of your passing or suffering from total and permanent disability before you have the opportunity to perform Hajj, we will ensure your Hajj obligation is fulfilled by paying your nominee or a third party to perform Badal Hajj for you.
    In the unfortunate event of your death or total and permanent disabilty before performing Hajj, we will make the necessary arrangement for Badal Hajj to be performed for you. We will pay RM 3,000 to your nominee (preferably your next of kin aged 18 years and above) or Tabung Haji Travel & Services for them to perform Badal Hajj for you.
    Critical Illness Benefits

    We will provide you with a part of your basic coverage amount as a financial assistance if you are diagnosed with a covered critical illness.

    Futhermore, we will also ensure that your protection and savings in the plan will continue as the takaful contributions will be paid continuously for you.

    This cover is optional for this plan.
    Islamic Will Writing

    We will arrange for you basic Islamic Will Writing service managed by Amanah Raya Berhad. This service is optional.
    We will provide you with all the necessary arrangement needed for your will to be made in a hassle free environment. The will you make will be managed by Amanah Raya Berhad.
    You will only need to pay a one-time fee for this service.

    ¹Loyalty bonus is non guaranteed benefit and subject to terms and conditions. There is waiting period of 5 years before you are eligible for the benefit.
    ²A waiting period of 3 years is applicable.

    *Maklumat lanjut /pertanyaan dan khidmat nasihat boleh emel kan kpd : uxop8948@gmail.com

    Thursday, November 25, 2010

    How to choose the Takaful / Insurance Plan or Scheme

    Why we need : -

    1. We must pay attention in secure our future
    2. We also need to protect our possession
    3. full protection to cover our health without decreasing our saving accounts
    4. of course to covering our personal needs especially when something unexpected happen

    Takaful's Product : -
    1. Family Takaful / Insurance
    2. Investment -linked Takaful/ Insurance
    3. Child Education Takaful / Insurance
    Did you know :
    We, at least need has a saving  8 times  incomes from our monthly  income to protect and make comfortable for the short term to our family when suddenly something unexpected happen especially  who contribute the income to their family.But for the long term we need 8 times from our annual income to ensure the financial securities is adequate and not burden our loved ones.So we must have a sufficient financial including to settle the debts (home loan,car loan etc) or child education or medical bills (if we disable or ill).

    example :-

    Ahmad's nett salary per month = RM 5000,so annually income = RM60000, has a wife, one kid which is at age of 2years, having a car and house.

    Ahmad 's  monthly financial obligations :
    •          Home loan repayment          = RM 1200
    •          Car loan repayment              = RM 800
    •          Household expenses            = RM 1800

     Totally montly expenses                        = RM 3800

    So  yearly expenses                              = RM 3800 x 12 = RM 45600

    For the short term protection if unexpected happen -
    Backup of saving need to have before the family can decided to move on in finding the others sources / ways to pays our debts and family expenses :

    = RM 3,800 x 8months = RM30,400  
    ..thats only the backup for the months expenses not include medical bill or etc... 

    For comfortable and sufficiently financial protection ( long term) for our family we need -
    =RM 3,800 x 12mnths x 8times (8 portion for faraid) = RM 364,800 
    ....on the spot on our account if we totally disable or pass away..

    How much times Ahmad need to cover that sum if he put the money on saving account-

    RM 5,000-RM 3,800 = RM 1,200 (balance after deduction of expenses & loans repayment)

    RM 364,800   = 304 months = 25.3 years
    RM 1,200
    ....quite long time's frames to get that cash values..
    And what happen if at 3 years saving, Ahmad has been diagnosed with failure kidney or critical illness or Total permanent disable.......could we imagine that hard situation happen to him or us..


    Takaful merupakan  satu pelan perlindungan dan konsep INSURAN yg berasaskan muamalat Islam yang berlandaskan hukum Syariah..

    Berasal dari kata dasar Kafala ( bahasa arab) yg bermaksud menjamin,menjaga atau memelihara.

    Sistem takaful berteraskan konsep kerjasama.tanggungjawab,jaminan,perlindungan dan saling membantu dikalangan peserta.

    Islam amat menggalakkan umatnya mengamalkan konsep ta'awum atau saling bekerjasama.

    Rasullullah S.A.W juga ada bersabda sebagaimana diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari dan Imam Muslim

    "Demi hayatku yang berada dalam kekuasaan Allah, tiada siapa akan masuk syurga jika beliau tidak melindungi jirannya yang berada dalam kesusahan"

    Apa istimewanya Takaful ini :-
    1. kita berasa lebih yakin jika berlaku musibah kerana akan ditolong oleh dana takaful
    2. menyuburkan perasaan kerohanian dalam membentuk perkongsian terhadap memenuhi tanggungjawab menolong saudara lain yg ditimpa musibah sebagaimana disyariat oleh Islam dan juga tuntutan sosial melalui kaedah Tabarru'(sumbangan)
    3. Pengendali takaful sentiasa dipantau oleh Jawatankuasa syariah.Dengan ini kita lebih yakin yg ia tidak bercanggah dgn kehendak syariah.

    *catatan :-penulis adalah perancang kewangan takaful PRU-BSN

    Islamic Clock