Saturday, November 27, 2010

Apa yang Pelan PruBSN UMMAH boleh tawarkan kepada anda?

Prudential BSN (PruBSN) UMMAH adalah pelan Takaful keluarga yang disediakan utk membantu memenuhi keperluan rohaniah umat Islam selain keperluan duniawi.

Pelan ini memberikan perlindungan dan simpanan serta manfaat-manfaat yang akan membantu dalam pencarian rohaniah anda.

Pelan PruBSN UMMAH (download brochure)

1...Tingkatkan simpanan kita - pengumpulan wang simpanan bagi menunaikan Haji , Umrah atau tujuan-tujuan lain.Walaupun anda disahkan menghidap penyakit kritikal (manfaat-manfaat pilihan), kami akan memastikan simpanan anda terus meningkat...simpan dlm bank tiada keistimewaan ini.. 

2...Manfaat Penyakit Kritikal - melindungi anda apabila dikenalpasti menghidap penyakit yang boleh mengancam nyawa

3...Manfaat - manfaat Haji / Umrah - Manfaat Takaful Berganda akan dibayar sekiranya kita meninggal dunia atau disahkan hilang upaya kekal dan menyeluruh semasa menunaikan ibadah Haji / Umrah.Disamping itu,utk memastikan kewajipan menunaikan Haji kita sekiranya meniggal dunia atau lumpuh kekal dan menyeluruh melalui Badal Haji sebanyak RM3,000....Pengeluaran simpanan juga boleh dibuat bagi  perjalanan kita menunaikan ibadah Haji / Umrah.

4...Bonus Loyalti - Kita akan diberi bonus loyalti sebagai Elaun Haji apabila kita menunaikan Haji sekiranya membayar sumbangan secara konsisten.Ia  juga menyediakan bonus loyalti apabila kita terus membayar sumbangan sehinggga peghujung tempoh takaful atau kita meningggal dunia atau lumpuh kekal.

5...Jaminan kewangan sekiranya meninggal dunia / lumpuh menyeluruh dan kekal - wang tunai tambahan RM2000 untuk manfaat Khairat Kematian disamping manfaat asas yang ditentukan oleh kita.

6...Penulisan wasiat secara Islam oleh Amanah Raya Berhad - Kita akan diaturkan penulisan wasiat melalui perkhidmatan Amanah Raya Berhad.Perkhidmatan ini adalah satu pilihan (jika kita mahu).
     English Version

    Spiritual fulfillment, Protection and Savings...all in one!
    Many people plan for the big things in life. We plan for a good life and we plan for the well being of our loved ones. In our pursuit for all these good things in life, as Muslims, we ought to also prepare for spiritual fulfillment.

    PruBSN Ummah is a family Takaful plan designed to cater to Muslims’ spiritual as well as worldly needs. This plan provides you with protection and savings, as well as benefits that will assist you with your spiritual quest.

    Loyalty Bonus¹

    This is benefit for being our loyal customer. You will earn this benefit when you complete your takaful period. Additionally, this bonus will also be paid in the event of death or total and permanent disability on top of your other takaful benefits

    In order to ensure you have peace of mind during Hajj, you will also be given a Hajj allowance, which is a part of the loyalty bonus. The allowance is intended to supplement your expenses. You can also use it to ensure the financial needs of your family at home are taken care of whilst your perform your obligations in Mecca.
    Withdrawals of savings for Hajj and Umrah

    You can withdraw part of your savings from your account to supplement the need for your journey for Hajj or Umrah, subject to the following conditions:

        * Only 1 withdrawal is allowed for Umrah and Hajj each throughout the certificate term.
        * Withdrawals can only be made after the 5th certificate year
        * Each withdrawal must be at least RM500 and at most 70% of your account balance prior to withdrawing.
        * There must be a minimum balance of RM2,000 left in your account after withdrawal.

    Loyalty bonus is a special benefit designed for being our loyal customer. Your loyalty bonus is based on a percentage of your contribution that increases the longer you are in the plan. You will receive your loyalty bonus when you:

        * Perform Hajj (as a Hajj Allowance), or
        * Survive until the end of the plan, or
        * Become totally and permanently disabled, or
        * Pass away

    The loyalty bonus that you receive as Hajj Allowance can either be used as your pocket money upon your confirmation to go for Hajj, or it can also be used to secure the financial needs of your loved ones at home while you perform Hajj.

    In addition, your loyalty bonus will continue to grow even after you have used it as a Hajj Allowance for as long as you continue to pay the contribution. The loyalty bonus will be payable subject to the events mentioned above.

    Death and Total and Permanent Disability Benefits (TPD)

    Upon your death or total and permanent disability, you or your nominee will receive cash equivalent to your coverage i.e. takaful benefit amount.

    In addition, your family will receive an additional RM2,000 as a form of compassionate benefit upon your unfortunate passing that could be used for funeral or other related expenses.
    Double Your Takaful Benefits² While on Hajj or Umrah

    You will receive double coverage i.e. takaful benefit amount, in the unfortunate case of your death or total and permanent disability (TPD) while performing your Hajj or Umrah.
    Badal Hajj

    In the event of your passing or suffering from total and permanent disability before you have the opportunity to perform Hajj, we will ensure your Hajj obligation is fulfilled by paying your nominee or a third party to perform Badal Hajj for you.
    In the unfortunate event of your death or total and permanent disabilty before performing Hajj, we will make the necessary arrangement for Badal Hajj to be performed for you. We will pay RM 3,000 to your nominee (preferably your next of kin aged 18 years and above) or Tabung Haji Travel & Services for them to perform Badal Hajj for you.
    Critical Illness Benefits

    We will provide you with a part of your basic coverage amount as a financial assistance if you are diagnosed with a covered critical illness.

    Futhermore, we will also ensure that your protection and savings in the plan will continue as the takaful contributions will be paid continuously for you.

    This cover is optional for this plan.
    Islamic Will Writing

    We will arrange for you basic Islamic Will Writing service managed by Amanah Raya Berhad. This service is optional.
    We will provide you with all the necessary arrangement needed for your will to be made in a hassle free environment. The will you make will be managed by Amanah Raya Berhad.
    You will only need to pay a one-time fee for this service.

    ¹Loyalty bonus is non guaranteed benefit and subject to terms and conditions. There is waiting period of 5 years before you are eligible for the benefit.
    ²A waiting period of 3 years is applicable.

    *Maklumat lanjut /pertanyaan dan khidmat nasihat boleh emel kan kpd :

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